The one thing you should know about your skin, is that it’s always changing. Factors such as age, hormones and changing seasons are just some of the reasons why you’ll notice changes in skin tone, texture and luminosity (just to name a few!) over the course of a year. It’s especially important to pay attention to your skin as the weather changes, and as summer days inch closer and closer, now is the time to take action for resilient, protected skin all season long. 

Start from within

We all know that beauty comes from within, but this is especially true when it comes to skin health. All the treatments, products and makeup in the world can’t hide the results of a healthy system so start here. A few too many winter treats may have crept in over the colder months, so make an effort to decrease alcohol consumption, lower your sugar intake and replace coffee with herbal tea. A diet full of fresh, whole foods will support a healthy gut and your whole body (including your skin) will benefit. 

Peel it back

Months of exposing your skin to harsh temperature changes (from heated cars, homes and offices to cold and wet outdoor conditions) can wreak havoc on the skin. Congestion, dull skin tone and dehydration are just some of the effects you may notice over the winter months. Before summer really takes hold, it's a great time to invest in and plan a series of chemical peels. 

These treatments are gentle and incredibly effective, designed to do the heavy lifting where regular facials can’t. We particularly love the Environ Cool Peel which is scientifically proven to safely and effectively assist in reviving, refining and brightening the appearance of skin with no downtime at all. Let our skin team guide you on the perfect combination of peels for the ultimate pre-summer glow. 

Get glowing

The tWR. Hydra Lift & Glow is the perfect treatment at any time of the year, but we particularly love it as a pre-summer solution. Designed to deliver hydration where it is needed most and clear out the skin of any built up congestion, the advanced technology offers incredible results in one sitting, without any downtime. Impurities, dullness, dryness and skin laxity can all be treated with the Hydra Lift & Glow. Plus, you know all those pre-Christmas parties you’ve got coming up? Let this be your skin saviour!  


This goes without saying, but please take this as your cue to stock up on SPF (and wear it!) for the upcoming summer months. UV damage is the ultimate anti-ager so a hardworking SPF, worn daily and reapplied regularly, will help keep sun damage, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles at bay. We have some great options at the clinic and our team would be delighted to guide you on selecting the perfect one. View our SPF recommendations here.

Switch up your skincare 

Now is a great time to take stock of your current regime and favour more lightweight products as the mercury rises. Lighter, gel based moisturisers over thicker and more occlusive solutions are best for allowing skin to breathe in the heat, as well as gel or light foam cleansers that won’t trap in oil and cause congestion. A vitamin C serum is also a great addition to a summer skincare regime which will deliver a big boost of antioxidants to the skin, keeping it healthy and resilient against environmental aggressors often faced during the warmer months. 

Start your summer skincare journey at The White Room with our range of treatments and products that can all be tailored to meet your goals.

Contact us to book a treatment or to find out more about our memberships, which are the ultimate solution for your best skin yet. 

October 25, 2022